Monday, September 19, 2011

felt rug of the bungle bungles

I started going to art class in derby to get a bit of an art fix.  turns out it's a pretty amazing class.  i did some print work that you can see in a previous post. the next time we started making felt paintings essentially. you take some wool batting and then put tufts of colored wool in any pattern you wish and then you process it...soak it in boiling water, rub it with a soapy plastic bag, rinse, wash, throw it around, stomp on it, etc. and voila you have a rug!  i chose the bungle bungles for mine and i think it came out pretty well for a first go.  top pic is when i was first designing. bottom pic is after processing.  very fun. all works are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced, sold, distributed without permission.

Friday, September 9, 2011

mula mula and boab trees

took a trip to fitzroy for a meeting and stopped off to take a few pics of the mula mula, one of my favorite flowers here.  they grow like weeds this time of year.  and then i had to stop for this beautiful burnished boab tree just before sunset and then caught a silhouette of the dinner boab tree as the sun disappeared.  a beautiful drive.  more photos at derby dry season 2011

art class!

finally found time to find out about art classes in derby. turns out they are amazing! this wonderful woman comes up from broome and this course this term is all about print making and felt making. or known as wool painting in our class :)  i've done some print making before and loved it so i jumped at the chance. didn't come prepared so i just did a simple little whale but i love how it came out. made placemats, tshirt for jose and a table cloth too.  then went back last week and started on a felt rug.  i can't wait to see how it turns out! all works are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced, sold, distributed without permission

biking to the jetty

fixed up both our bikes finally and spent the whole day tooling around town on our bikes!  had a blast - went to garage sales, got some really good stuff, and bought ourselves a car! just a little wagon / hatch back but it'll get us around town.  maybe next time we'll get a 4 wheel drive.  we pick it up next week - can't wait!  then in the afternoon we took miski out to the jetty to enjoy the sunset. it was a beautiful one and jose tried fishing...sadly we caught nothing. miski did really well for the first time being led by bike and when we got her home she slept for 18 hours straight. might have overdone it a bit poor thing.  more pics here at derby dry season 2011

frolicking in the muddy marsh

a very puppy centric post but how cute is she all covered in mud? went out onto the marsh one evening at sunset and it had been high tide recently so there was mud everywhere.  miski was in heaven and got totally covered. i got some fun shots.  here are more at derby dry season 2011

remote trip to noonkenbah

recently took a trip on the RFDS to noonkenbah to visit the FASD project group and watch their testing of the kids out there. it was a beautiful but bumpy flight and a fun day seeing all my friends out there.  a few more pics at the derby dry season 2011

marsh party for sam's birthday!

our friend sam had a fabulous marsh party for his birthday recently. there was a big bonfire, lots of yummy food, plenty of booze, and of course party games! limbo i knew but they played this other one i've never heard of - you tie a balloon to your ankle and try to pop other peoples balloons. it was kind of strange. jose took a turn at limbo and did a really good job! camped out on the marsh under the stars that night - it was beautiful. i got some good shots of a sunset clouded by bush fire smoke.  see more photos here in Derby Dry Season 2011

puppy on the marsh

miski loves the marsh.  she runs and runs and then does a somersault and rolls around in the crispy dirt.  so cute!  now i take her on the bike because otherwise i cannot give her a good enough work out. i'm excited for the wet season to start so i can see those amazing sunsets again.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

cooking creations

have been experimenting with healthy cooking (except for when i bake...oh well).  i've been really enjoying myself in the kitchen, but only when the mood strikes. which isn't all that often sadly. anyway made a curried carrot soup, thai chicken salad with soba noodles, soy salmon with sauteed fennel and grilled asparagus and then hummingbird cake! all yummy.  here's hoping i keep it up