Sunday, June 29, 2014

Mud crabbing

Jose sent me these amazing pictures today. He went mud crabbing in the mangroves and got 6 crabs. Pretty incredible. He comes back home in a week thank goodness!!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gong session and Frenchman bay walk

Met a friend at the sandalwood factory today for a gong meditation session. Can't believe I've never been before. It was fantastic and so relaxing, for me at least (baby was kicking up a storm). After we had scones and tea and a good long chat. Then I took a walk along Frenchman bay which was beautiful. Thank goodness the terrible winds have died down at least for the weekend.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


We're expecting!
Baby Boy...coming this November!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Early bday outing

Since jose and I are going away for my bday weekend and Nat is away for a month starting next week, a few friends met me for op shopping (thrift store) and lunch to celebrate my bday early! I got a few cute items at the shops and the we had an amazing feast at frenchys cafe. The best fish ad chips I've ever had and then four amazing desserts. Heaven! The perfect bday outing. Thanks ladies!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Mom and rays travels

Mom and ray are galavanting around in the desert (Vegas, Moab, bryce, etc) and I am so jealous! I keep getting daily updates of their sightseeing, dining experiences and adventures. It sounds like such a blast. Wish I was there!

Burger need

I've been craving a burger lately, nothing new there really. So Nat and I grabbed our favorite burger at chicha yesterday. Talk about heaven! I also think this cat pic is so cute :)

Congrats to dawa

David took his three year cake recently. I am so proud of him. I was lucky enough to be there for his second year cake last year. So wish I could have been there this year. Congrats dawa!!!

Happy Father's Day

Belated but I thought this pic was hilarious.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Saturday walk

Yay for the weekend. Miski and I took a stroll this morning which was nice. Then I did a bunch of errands and have finally plopped on the couch which was my goal all along!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Apple blueberry bran muffins

I've been dying for a bran muffin and I gotta say the muffins they sell in this town just don't cut it. They are either hard as a rock or undercooked and generally flavorless. So I made some today and used this recipe they are pretty good and fairly healthy. I didn't have applesauce so I used Greek yogurt and also added shredded apple and walnut pieces. Yum!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The whales have arrived!

It's Western Australia Day (aka foundation day) here today and it is beautiful out. I'm pretty tired today but I couldn't pass up a walk at Ellen cove again. It was a wonderful sunny walk and made even better since there were whales out playing in the harbor. Wish I could've gotten a pic but they were too far away. They (humpback and southern right) usually stay from June to October.

Lazy Sunday

Top pic is of me and Nat yesterday at the bday party. Today I got up late and since we had the rare ray of sunshine and it wasn't freezing cold I went to ledge beach. Miski was extremely naughty and ran away from me and refused to come back for over 40 minutes. I was so mad. I won't be letting her off the leash again until jose is home. Talked to the family back in Cali after that. So good to see them at least over the interwebs :) I miss them so much! Lower pic is of David and Melissa.