Monday, September 30, 2013


Miski enjoying her favorite squeaky toy :) we've had a super lazy day. Weather was terrible - rainy, cold, and windy. Bleh. Made BBQ chicken and veggies and fresh bread. Yum!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spicy soup and naps

We decided to try a new soup recipe I found for spicy chicken noodle soup. It was awesome!!! And Miski has been lazy all day, napping under cover on the couch. Cutie

Our Peruvian bulls

We carried these puppies all the way from cusco. They're amazing. Almost a foot tall.

Bar joselo

We brought back a few glasses for Jose's bar and it's looking pretty snazzy now. Just need a cocktail book :) also jose started paving the front area a bit so we can sit and enjoy the sunsets when the weather permits. Today we have done nothing because the weather has been so yucky. Bummer

Friday, September 27, 2013


Jose finally has a BBQ worthy of his cooking! We fired it up and made one of our new favorite dishes...pork tenderloin in five spices and yams and zucchini grilled with the same. So good!!

Miski and the flowers

We slept like babies last night and woke early. Since we were up already we took moo to the park and she loved romping through the flowers and munching the grass. Went to a garage sale and got a dolly and wheelbarrow for a good price. And then we bought a BBQ!! Pics in next post. When we got home I cleaned the house inside and out because it was filthy. Took ages. Did tons of laundry and jose started paving a part of the front yard so we can sit and watch the sunsets.

Happy Miski

Miski seems pretty content to have us home and it's great to be here of course. I miss the states more than I thought I would through. More friends and family really. Anyway today we got up early and went for a big shop at the grocery store. Then we unpacked a bit and watched the hobbit and then did some unbelievably much needed weeding in front. Fixed the fence in back at least temporarily. Took Miski for a run in there too. More gardening in store for us tomorrow for sure!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Home again, home again...

Jiggety jog. Well after a veeeerrrrrry long couple of flights and two nights in perth we drove down to albany today to finally arrive home! It's so great to see Miski. We missed her so much and she's so happy we are home. Nice to be back but I do miss the states already. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSE!!!!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Family dinner

We had a great rib dinner mom made and Jose BBQ'd for us last night before we left town. It was really hard to say goodbye and there are so many difficult things about living so far from loved ones. If only we didn't love Australia so much!

In Brisbane

Well we made it to oz at least! Flight was delayed and very long but not too bad...just a lot of turbulence. But we got some shut eye and are waiting for our perth flight. Kind of wish we had a few days to explore here but on the other hand we have a million giant bags and are shattered. Can't wait to get home!!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Leaving the USA

Today is our last day in Cali for now. We woke up and had an awesome brekkie. Yum! Then I saw Melissa in town for a chat and we've just been madly doing last minute packing and such. I'm such a stressy traveller. My mom gave jose a super cute set of cordial glasses and now we are just veggin out.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Lunch and favourite things

Today I did some errands and then met Jaime for lunch at fox studios where she works. It's so cool there! I walked down New York street after I ate a massive cheeseburger. Yum. Then for dessert later today I got a petit four. Amazing. Also love the super cute snail pic my cousin sent me :)

Visiting mom at work

We visited my mom where she works with the preschool team. It was nice to see where she spends her day and the garden they have there. And it was great to meet her coworkers that I've heard so much about :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Visit to laguna

Today we drove down to see Joses aunt and two cousins one more time before we head back home. It was good to see them again. We grabbed a bite at chipotle. Yum!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hike n dinner

Super tired from actually staying up like normal people do last night. We woke up really late today and then Eric and Melissa and I went hiking. Did paseo miramar and it was pretty warm! Then came home and jose and my mom made steak, asparagus, mushrooms, potatoes, chicken and caprese salad. Yarm. I was starving!

Dodger game

Eric, David and I took jose to a dodger game tonight. Dodgers vs giants. We actually had pretty good seats which was great and jose got to experience all things American- hot dogs, baseball, baseball songs, etc. it was super fun. Bummer the dodgers lost though.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Out to dinner with jaimers

Yay! Got to see Jaime again! Took two hours to get to silver lake - crazy traffic. Anyway she took us to little Tokyo and we grabbed a bite at monzo. Seriously amazing udon noodles. And then we got macaroons for dessert! The almond wedding ones were the best. Then we visited her dog chicken. Great night!!